Camelia Podesva

Camelia Podesva

Multumim foarte mult domnule doctor Daniel Ganea . În sfârșit un om bun cald blând serios aplecat la nevoile si suferințele pacientului. Cu mult bun simt dedicat vocației de medic. Foarte priceput cu spectru larg de investigatie foarte atent. Am rămas cu speranța vindecării ca suntem pe mâna unui doctor foarte bun . Multumim (Translated by Google) Thank you very much, Dr. Daniel Ganea. Finally, a good gentle warm man seriously inclined to the needs and sufferings of the patient. I feel very good about being a doctor. Very knowledgeable with wide spectrum of investigation very carefully. We remained with the hope of healing as we are in the hands of a very good doctor. Thank you

Daniel Ganea
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